Saturday, October 31, 2009
It's here!!! It's here!!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Must remember to post regularly!! Update on the sick pony...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Now to find an outfit....or two....or three!!
I'd love to have a formal habit.

The costume type outfits are stunning too! Julie had some wonderful examples on her blog RidingAside of some gorgeous costumes.

Monday, October 19, 2009
Exciting news!!!!
Can you guess??
I'm so excited! It's such a nice saddle. I was going to hold off for a bit until I knew for sure if my mare was going to need surgery or not but I decided I should just bite the bullet and do it. I'd really be kicking myself if I waited too long and it sold. I've looked at all kinds of sidesaddles and this one really caught my eye. A lot of the older saddles that I had seen needed some kind of repair and didn't come with the fittings. This one comes with just about everything.
I looked and looked for a saddle in my area but couldn't find any. Well I did find one but it was a very old western style saddle. Very interesting but not quite what I wanted. I figured if I'd have to take the chance and ship one in from across the continent, then so be it! I am determined to ride sidesaddle!
It's an Aulton & Butler saddle with a Mayhew breakaway stirrup assembly. This is the only one of this maker that I've seen. I was told that it was purchased 10-20ish years ago at a big show in England. The lady that owned it rode in it for a few years and then her horse passed away and it had been sitting in a closet since. I'm happy to say that it is definitely going to get used again.
I took wither tracings and mailed them a couple of weeks ago and the lady selling the saddle said that it was about as perfect a fit for a horse as she's seen! How about that! I guess my mare's super high withers are handy for fitting sidesaddles to.
Here's a picture of it...
I'm just waiting for the seller to get it packed up and get a quote on shipping and let me know. Once that's done, it'll be paid for an on it's way!!! Hopefully it will be here sometime next week! I really can. not. wait!
Goodbye flowers....
I think I'm going to have to go get some halloween decorations or something to spruce it up so it's not so "blah". Perhaps some headstones and pumpkins? I just had another great idea too! We've got a longhorn skull that would work good to... I wonder if anybody would try to steal it though?
I also acquired two more lesson kids yesterday! One is 5 and the other is 7. Both are very keen to ride and learn about horses. I had to laugh, the one family with the 7 year old girl brought her little brother who's 5. He was right in there wanting to learn too. I was teaching them how to pick out the horse's feet and he was right in there doing his darndest to pick up a back leg and pick it out. Talk about determination! And thank goodness for the trusty schoolhorses!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
An Interesting Find