Saturday, April 28, 2012

Virginia Day 2

Sunday Maggie had arranged for us to go for bunch in Upperville at the Hunters Head Tavern which dates to the 1700's. We met up with half a dozen other ladies from the area that also ride. The food was great and so was the horsey conversation. After that it was off for a ride with Devon on her lovely gelding Quest. The whole trip was great for putting faces to names and meeting all those people I had emailed but never actually met. We hauled over to a beautiful arena to ride. The scenery is just stunning everywhere.
I had a great lesson with Devon and got some fantastic things to think about and ideas to take home with me. Though I really do kinda stink at jumping sidesaddle..... One day I hope I figure it out! lol Finished off the day by picking up the habit that I got from Devon, a BEAUTIFUL smokey grey-blue wool 1930's habit owned by one of the a hunt propriotess of the area. I feel very lucky to have it (and to fit IN it! haha). Can't wait to wear it out to a show.

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