Tuesday, March 30, 2010
WOW!!! Guess what!
A little bit nervous too! There's a LOT to be done and only a few weeks until it'll be here! I've got to do a write up for the announcer to read as we're doing our thing and I need to find some music to ride to. I think that's going to be the toughest part. Anybody have any suggestions? I think we definitely need something fun, no classical music or anything like that. I guess I'd better practice, practice, practice most importantly! I'm really excited to have a reason to get all dressed up in our finery! Should be a LOT of fun!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Jumping sidesaddle!
Definitely something that needs some practice though! The takeoff and jump portion isn't so bad, it's the landing! I need to learn to stay forward for longer, otherwise the tendency is to "snap" back upon landing and it sure doens't feel nice on your back! I'm sure Brigit would agree! I now see why the hunting sidesaddles have SO much padding!
I have to say I must be getting more conditioned for sidesaddle riding, I felt like I could have cantered all day, it's gotten SO much easier! Now it's the trot that tends to wear me out.
Brigit got checked out yesterday and her stifles are good again! It'll always be something we'll have to be aware of but we're good to go now! Yay! We've got some work to do on her topline to improve some back muscles but otherwise she was in pretty good shape.
The tiny pony I've been riding has been a lot of fun too. We jumped her a bit on sunday and she's such a little trooper! She's very cute. I have to laugh, whenever I lean forward to dismount she nickers. It's hilarious.
On another fun note. I've been invited to ride sidesaddle at an event near Edmonton on May 30 called the "Horse Showcase". It's a fun event that showcases different kinds of riding and breeds of horses. We'll be doing the english pleasure class, possibly a dressage demonstration, a "champagne" class and a jumping demonstration. It sounds like it'll be such a fun day! And it'll be a great opportunity to get dressed in all of our finery!
Unfortunately I have no pictures to share today! I will try and get some though!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sew NOT as easy as I thought!
I started actually trying to sew it all together last night and it's definitely a LOT more tricky than I thought it would be. I would be completely lost if it wasn't for the book of sewing my grandma gave me. "Staystitching" "Basting" and various other terms had me fairly LOST. And my first attempt at making the little triangles on the pattern match up with each other didn't go all so well. I did get a few pieces sewn together though and I *think* I've done it right....
Unforunately the sewing class I'm taking is soo painfully basic. I think I learned more last week from reading through my sewing machine's owner's manual. Tonight is the second class, hopefully it will go better. I think I mostly just need to understand what all of the different terms mean and I'm sure I can do it! We shall see though!
What a beautiful weekend!
I rode Brigit today and she felt great at the walk and trot. Her trot was actually about the best I've seen it in a long time, it felt so BIG and loose! Her canter had me a bit concerned though, she started doing this awhile ago, she pins her ears back almost the entire time we're cantering and just seems really annoyed. I'm not too sure if she's still a bit sore or if perhaps the saddle isn't fitting as well as it did last year with all her time off. I'm going to try one of the school horse saddles and see if that makes a difference. If it does, perhaps we'll be on the search for a new saddle again....
I had a super successful day with Shadow as well! I bought a fuzzy girth cover to see if that would fix the problem (it didn't really but it was only $10 so oh well). I did all of my usual ground work with her, she was calm and relaxed. Then I grabbed the saddle and shifted it sideways like last week. And she bolted off, not as bad this time but still didn't like it. I caught her again and this time held onto the reins and did it again, she tried to bolt but didn't get too far because I had a hold of her. After a few more times of that, she seemed to realize that bolting/bucking wasn't the desired response or necessary and quit doing it altogether. Success!
I decided I'd better get on her again. In my attempt to be soooo careful so the saddle didn't shift sidways, I accidently kicked her in the flank as I got on. She scooted forwards and then danced sideways a bit and then stopped and puffed as if to say "Oooh you scared me up there!". I was really happy that she hadn't bucked or really done much. Phew! Let me tell you my heart was going for a few seconds there as I was contemplating bailing off! haha
After that we toured around the arena, did lots of halt transitions, lots of turning this way and that and bending her head around. She seemed to take it all in stride. Yay!
My boyfriend was there watching and he was really impressed at how far she had come. He hasn't seen me work with her in a few months and last time she was a snorty, spooky, jumpy, slightly nutty horse. Now she's pretty calm and actually getting to be a bit of a suck! (and a cookie monster!)
It was even nice enough outside to do some yard work! There's a whole bunch of tulips and crocus' starting to come up now. I spent a good hour pulling the remants of this creeping stuff I planted last year. What a mistake that was! It's a gorgeous little plant that gets covered in purple flowers but it has just taken OVER. The grass is trying to encroach into the flower bed and this stuff is creeping into the grass! Time for some Round-up I think!

Thursday, March 18, 2010
The ice is almost gone!
Well things changed when we brought her home. She was REALLY jumpy, probably due to new surroundings and all of that. And then came the bucking.... We started out doing a ton of ground work and desensitizing. We discovered that her response to anything uncomfortable/scary was to have a full out bucking fit. And let me tell you, this mare can BUCK hard, she gets some good air. Part of the issue I think was the back cinch, so I just took it off to simplify things which helped a lot but she still had these random tantrums. I'll be honest, there's a few times I nearly gave up on her.
With lots of ground work we've gotten her to the stage where she really thinks about things vs. just being reactive and bucking. She's so calm to work with on the ground, you can do anything to her, attach stuff to the saddle etc and she doesn't get spooked by it. Progress! So once she got to that stage where I could do anything to her on the ground, I figured it was time to start playing around with getting on her. I started out by just lying across her back, which she wasn't too sure about at first. Then when she was ok with that, we moved on to lying across her back and getting her to walk forward, doing some steering, halts etc.
She'd been doing so good with that I figured it was time to swing a leg over. The self preservation in me said "Use your english saddle, it'll be easier to get out of, just in case!". I actually feel a little more confident in my english saddle. The first time on I had a friend on the ground holding onto Shadow. She didn't seem to mind at all, so we tried some walking and that went well. We did that again and all was great. A few weeks ago I brought her in and did all the ground work with her, didn't bat an eye, she was so calm I figured, today is the day. I swung a leg over without anybody hanging onto her and we went for a couple of walking laps around the arena. What an awesome feeling!!! But as they say "Two steps forward, one step back"..... Sunday I was hopeful that I'd be able to get on her again. Well it was not to be. I did our regular ground routine and then went to laying across her back doing a bit of walking. First time was ok, second time not so much. We walked 1/4 of the way across the arena and I slid off because the saddle had shifted sideways a little bit. Just as I was thinking "What a good girl", she blew up into some pretty massive bucks! It seemed SO random, at first I couldn't figure out what had caused it. Then it hit me, it must be the saddle being off center. I decided to test that theory after she'd calmed down, I grabbed the saddle and pulled it towards me and yup! Off she went again! At least all was not lost, I did figure out what the root of the issue was. Now to figure out how to get her to not react like that. I'm going to try stretching her legs out after girthing up and making sure no hair is caught/pulling anywhere around the girth. And maybe a fleece girth cover is in order. I guess we'll find out, trial and error.
This was taken literally seconds before she had her little bucking fit on the weekend.
One of these days I'll get this mare broke! I think she'll be a really neat horse once I do!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Not much new....
And the mayday tree. You can't really see it's flowers all that well but it gets just covered in white flowers before it gets it's leaves in the spring.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
All dressed up with nowhere to go!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
One thing leads to another....
So one thing leads to another..... I bought a used sewing machine last week. It was a heck of a deal and came with a sewing table and manual. I'm going to attemtp to learn to sew so I can *hopefully* make all kinds of neat things! We shall see! Thus far I've managed to spool the bobbin, thread the machine and do some basic sewing. It seems to be a really straightforward machine and has the option of straight or zig zag stitches.
Sunday I went to the fabric store and bought myself some nice yellow material and a pattern for a vest that said "Easy!" on the package. Well I'm not sure who's idea of "easy!" it is! LOL Actually it's not too bad once I figured out which pieces I actually needed and which lines to cut along. The tricky part was decipering all of the little symbols on the pattern. I must say I think it's going to take me more time to cut the pattern out and all of the fabric than it will to actually sew!
I thought perhaps it might be a little easier if I took a basic sewing course to help myself along. Might not be so much of an uphill battle that way. So I start on monday night at the local college.
I've also contacted a few people about starting up a sidesaddle club in Alberta. I think it will be a lot of fun! From what I've seen there are quite a few ladies that are interested in riding sidesaddle but don't know where to start or who to talk to. From my experience it was tough finding anyone that rode sidesaddle in Alberta. I think a club would make sidesaddle riding a lot more accesible to those interested. Stay tuned!