Tuesday, September 13, 2011

So nervous.....

Thursday & Friday we're off to the Provincial Dressage Championships and on Saturday/Sunday we're riding at the Western Canadian Regional Dressage Championships.
I'm really nervous because we haven't been having any good rides lately. The simplest things (astride or aside) have felt like a battle to accomplish. For some reason everything is scary and results in breaking gait, counter bend and just overall rotten rides.
I have the chiropractor coming out tomorrow and I'm sure hoping maybe a miracle will happen and we can get back on track and put in some good rides this weekend.
How exciting would that be to do well at the Provincial or Regional level, riding sidesaddle?

Wish us LOTS of luck! I think we're going to need it!!


  1. Exciting! Lots and lots of luck from over here in New Zealand. Relax and enjoy it, and even if it all turns to custard, you know you've been out there living life to the fullest. XXX

  2. Ooooooooo, have fun Michelle and good luck!!!
    Which habit are you taking? :)

  3. Very true and I happen to like Custard! LOL It'll definitely be something nobody has done up here before so it'll be neat.

    I'm going to ride in my navy wool one. The weather has suddenly turned nasty and it's COLD, so I'll be toasty! Still deciding if I'll wear my tattersall check vest or my canary one and if I'll wear a collared shirt & tie or a show shirt & stock tie. Decisions, decisions!

  4. Wishing you luck! Don't forget lots of piccies for your show report too please :)

  5. Absolutely! I'm going to have to convince someone to take pics for me since I'm going it along again, but that shouldn't be too hard.

    Thanks for all the good wishes & luck!

  6. Good luck Michelle! Enjoy! Where is the show? I'm keen to come along and watch!

  7. It's up in Red Deer at Westerner Park. Definitely come along! I'll post my ride times if you're interested in coming to watch!

  8. Great! I'll convince my boyfriend to come along! Which day are the higher classes on?
